Start Taking Action

Doing a self-reflection and understanding what needs to change is wonderful, but then what next?

It is important to identify your critical success factors - what is paramount for you to get done to achieve your aspirations - and to put together a personal development plan, and execute it.

The transformation may not happen overnight, but the good news is that it is never too late or too early to start the process of change. Irrespective of your age or where you currently find yourself, it is never too late to start your personal development plan.

Yes, it is not too late to get an education, acquire new skills, fulfil your purpose, exercise your creativity, break the glass ceiling, break out of the mould, build your career, achieve your life-long dream, and to create a brighter future.

Why This Course

For many, it sometimes appears like it’s all over. They see their lives ebbing away. They don’t see a way out of their current myriad of problems or a way into something more dignifying, more rewarding or more fulfilling.
Very often, problems or challenges appear bigger than they actually are. This is where a person’s perspective becomes important. It requires looking at the bigger picture. When a person does not look at the bigger picture, panic sets in. Those who look at the bigger picture recognise the fact that there is sense of urgency, but do not panic, and are more likely to take the appropriate steps to address any problems or overcome challenges than those who hit the panic button.

This course will rekindle your hopes and reignite your dreams.

This course highlights some amazing stories of ordinary people who defied personal circumstances and challenges, and realised their aspirations.

This course will help you to take an intelligent approach to planning for your growth and goals achievement.

This will help you to:
Avoid various activities and situations that distract or take your time;
See smart ways of using your time, including employing smart techniques like the Pomodorro approach;
Prepare for opportunities, including setting SMART-FOR-ME goals.

Course Benefits

Enrolling on this course will:

Give you a mental boost to pick up any shelved or dead dreams;
Grow your confidence;
Make you more resilient;
Prioritise your use of time;
Stir you into action;
Help you to keep your dreams alive.

Course Fee

Rexford Sam

Rexford is a business strategist, rebranding consultant, social media influencer, personal development coach, counsellor, international plenary speaker, and author of the best-selling book, Creating Your Future - Keys to Recognising, Preparing for, and Going for Opportunities.

He enjoys igniting dreams, fostering achievement, bringing significance, and creating brighter futures.